How and where can you buy tickets and seats?
Ticket sales for the 123rd ZuckerBäckerball on 15 January 2026, are scheduled to begin in autumn 2025.
How much are tickets, seat reservations and cake guarantees?
Prices for the 123rd ZuckerBäckerball on 15 January 2026 have not been published.
Here are the prices from the 122. ZuckerBäckerball on 16 January 2025:
Ball entrance ticket: €150,00
Youth ticket (born 2000 or later): €70,00
(No evening ticket box)
Cake guarantee €20,00 (500 pieces available)
Festsaal Ground loges (26 loges for 8 people, 2 loges for 4 people): *€ 90,00
Festsaal Raised loges (20 loges for 10 people, 2 loges for 8 people): *€ 100,00
Zeremoniensaal (tables for 4 people and for 10 people): *€ 80,00
Wintergarten (tables for 4 people and bar seeats): *€ 70,00
Seitengalerie (tables for 10 people): *€ 70,00
Geheime Ratsstube (tables for 4 people): *€ 55,00
Marmorsaal (tables for 4 people): *€ 60,00
Antekammer (tables for 4 people): *€ 55,00
Künstlerzimmer (tables for 4 people): *€ 45,00
*Price per seat. Seat tickets only entitle you to take part in the ball event if an admission ticket has also been purchased. No entry to the event will be granted without an admission ticket; no replacement will be made for a seat ticket purchased without an admission ticket.
Upon leaving the Hofburg your ticket loses its validity. (All prices include 20% VAT.)
A layout of the Hofburg can be found here
Who is entitled to a youth ticket?
Youth tickets are sold to all persons born 2001 or later; your age has to be proven with photo identification. Online shoppers must present their ID on entry to the ball evening.
What is the dress code?
Ladies: Floor-length ball gown; gala dress (no short skirts and dresses, cocktail dresses, trouser suits, jumpsuits, etc.; no traditional attire)
Gentlemen: Smoking/tux; dark suit with bow tie (no tie; no traditional attire)
Persons not complying with the dress code might not be admitted to the ball ot at a later stage be excluded from the ball. In both cases, no compensation claims can be made. In doubt we recommended to clarify any ambiguities with the ball office when purchasing tickets, but in any case before the event.
Is smoking allowed at the ball?
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Hofburg for the duration of the ball. A smoking area is reserved outside the main entrance at Heldenplatz.
We kindly ask all ball guests to adhere to our no-smoking policy, which also applies to e-cigarettes.
Furthermore, all instructions given by our safety personnel are to be stringently observed.
What is a “Cake Guarantee”?
The Cake Guarantee ensures that you will definitely go home with a cake from the pastry chef, even if you missed out on winning one of the prizes at our grand raffle (Tombola).
Cake Guarantees can be purchased online, but not at the ball.
The number of Cake Guarantees is limited to 500 pieces, and going from experience, these are normally sold out very fast.
Storage of prizes
We recommend that gift for all the ball's ladies, raffle tickets and cake guarantees are picked upon leaving the ball if their supervision on the ball cannot be guaranteed. Neither Hofburg nor the organizer can compensate lost goods. Also, the Hofburg’s cloakroom is not intended for the storage of these goods.
Prize pick-up at the distribution points will be open until 4:00 a.m.
Video recording and images
By attending this event, each event guest (i.e. the ticker holder) hereby gives consent and permission that any image recordings made of them during or in connection with the event may be used by the organisers “Verein Förderung des Lebensmittelgewerbes” without any form of compensation, without temporal or spatial restriction, by means of any current or future technical process.
General information
123rd ZuckerBäckerball on 15 January 2026 in Vienna’s Hofburg
Admission: 20:00
The Grand Opening: 21:00
Finish: 05:00