122nd ZuckerBäckerball
The 122nd ZuckerBäckerball took place on 16 January 2025 in the Vienna Hofburg
Photos: Ripix, https://ripix.at/
121st ZuckerBäckerball
The 121th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 11 January 2024 in the Vienna Hofburg
Photos: Ripix, https://ripix.at/
120th ZuckerBäckerball
The 120th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 12 January 2023 in the Vienna Hofburg
Photos: Ripix, https://ripix.at/
119th ZuckerBäckerball
The 119th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 16 January 2020 in the Vienna Hofburg
Photos: Ripix, https://ripix.at/
118th ZuckerBäckerball
The 118th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 17 January 2019 in the Vienna Hofburg
Photos: Ripix, https://ripix.at/
117th ZuckerBäckerball
The 117th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 11 January 2018 in the Vienna Hofburg.
Photos: ballguide Fotoservice, www.ballguide.at
Further photos are available from Foto Sulzer
Please click on “Veranstaltungsarchiv”, leave the e-mail box blank and enter the password: ZB11012018
116th ZuckerBäckerball
The 116th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 12 January 2017 in the Vienna Hofburg.
Photos: ballguide Fotoservice, www.ballguide.at
Further photos are available from Foto Sulzer
Please click on “Veranstaltungsarchiv”, leave the e-mail box blank and enter the password: ZB12012017
115th ZuckerBäckerball
The 115th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 14 January 2016 in the Vienna Hofburg.
Photos: ballguide Fotoservice, www.ballguide.at
Further photos are available from Foto Sulzer
Please click on “Veranstaltungsarchiv”, leave the e-mail box blank and enter the password: ZB14012016
114th ZuckerBäckerball
The 114th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 15 January 2015 in the Vienna Hofburg.
Photos: ballguide Fotoservice, www.ballguide.at
Further photos are available from Foto Sulzer
Please click on “Veranstaltungsarchiv”, leave the e-mail box blank and enter the password: ZB15012015
113th ZuckerBäckerball
The 113th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 16 January 2014 in the Vienna Hofburg.
Photos: ballguide Fotoservice, www.ballguide.at
Adi Weiss TV Report about the 113th ZuckerBäckerball
W24 Report about the 113th ZuckerBäckerball
112th ZuckerBäckerball
The 112th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 17. January 2013 in the Vienna Hofburg.
Photos: ballguide Fotoservice, www.ballguide.at
111th ZuckerBäckerball
The 111th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 13. January 2012 in the Vienna Hofburg.
Photos: ballguide Fotoservice, www.ballguide.at
110th ZuckerBäckerball
The 110th ZuckerBäckerball took place on 14. January 2011 in the Vienna Hofburg.
Photos: ballguide Fotoservice, www.ballguide.at