For the 122nd time, the enchanting, sweet ball of Vienna’s bakers and confectioners graces the city. On 16 January 2025, the historic halls of the Vienna Hofburg will once again transform into the sweetest ballroom of the city. These imperial chambers, once the setting for the dances of emperors, will host the ZuckerBäckerball for the 13th time – a true highlight of Vienna’s ball season!

Even the organizers were taken by surprise: never before have the ball tickets sold out so swiftly – in just three weeks! Each year, over 3,000 guests fill the opulent halls, eager to partake in this grand celebration.

The organizers, Verein Förderung des Lebensmittelgewerbes, have once again crafted an evening of unmatched splendor. With inventive ideas, delectable treats, and an array of engaging highlights, they ensure this ball remains unforgettable. From lively dances to captivating performances and a dazzling array of cakes and sweet delights, the 122nd ZuckerBäckerball promises a night of unparalleled indulgence, joy, and elegance.


Two exquisite orchestras promise a night of musical splendor in the Festsaal from 9:45 pm to 5:00 am. The renowned Vienna Ball Orchestra Wolfgang Steubl enchants guests with a wide-ranging repertoire of classical dance music, while the Wolfgang Steubl Bigband alternates with spirited and exhilarating rhythms, ensuring an unforgettable experience on the dance floor.

In the Zeremoniensaal, TANZCAFE brings energy and charm from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am. This exceptional band captivates with a diverse selection of danceable hits from the '70s, '80s, and '90s, highlighted by the harmonious and versatile voices of Celina Oman and Didier Rucekeli. Truly, a musical spectacle!

Our Caribbean Lounge in the Forum offers a spirited and vibrant atmosphere. From 10:00 pm to 4:00 am, Carla Natascha’s Tropical Band ignites the dance floor with sizzling Latin rhythms. As a special highlight, guests can enjoy electrifying live Latin dance shows at 11:30 pm and 1:00 am.

Meanwhile, the Hitradio Ö3 Ball Disco transforms the Gartensaal into a pulsating haven for dance enthusiasts and night owls. From 10:00 pm to the early hours of 4:00 am, it promises an energetic and lively ambiance that will keep spirits high until dawn.

08:00 pm – Doors open

9:00 pm – Grand opening of the ball in the banquet hall (Festsaal). Spectator places are limited; therefore the entire opening will be live streamed onto a large screen in the ceremonial hall (Zeremoniensaal)

  • For the eighth time in a row the ball 2024 will be opened by "Vereinigung Wiener Staatsopernballett", ballet professionals from the Vienna State Opera. Solo dancers Rebecca Horner and Mihail Sosnovshi will dance to "Mein Lebenslauf ist Lieb’ und Lust!" (op. 263) by Josef Strauss, choreographed by Lukas Gaudernak.

  • A performance by awarding-winning star guest, musical singer Maya Hakvoort, featuring a song from the musical “Chicago” and a Barbra Streisand medley. The successful singer will receive this year’s Celebrity Cake (Prominententorte).

  • The opening will be completed by the opening committee of the Wiener Tanzschulen (Viennese Dance Schools) who will perform a dance to Johann Strauss II’s march “Auf's Korn” (Op. 478) under the direction of Richard Fränzl and Eddy Franzen.

09:45 pm – Alles Walzer! (Everybody waltz!) - The dance floor will open to all guests.

11:15 pm – "HEINDL Praline Rain of Delights - Balloon Shower": Catch one of the lucky balloons, each filled with a voucher from confectioner Heindl will come flying down from the roof. Those lucky enough to catch one can pick up a sweet treat in the Side Hall on the ground floor (Seitenhalle).

11:50 pm – Midnight Quadrille under the direction of Richard Fränzl and Eddy Franzen. After that, the Celebrity Cake will be presented, followed by the prize giving ceremony for the Zuckerbäcker Awards for the most artful cake design.

01:30 am – “Lucky Balloon Shower AUER x GLÜCK unzertrennlich”: snatch a prize – Every balloon holding a voucher for a delightful treat from Auer can be redeemed in the Side Hall on the ground floor (Seitenhalle).

02:30 am – “Schlumberger Lucky Balloon Shower”: snatch a prize – Every balloon holding a voucher for a sparkling treat from champagne makers Schlumberger can be redeemed in the Side Hall on the ground floor (Seitenhalle).

05:00 am – Final dance


Rittersaal (The Knight’s Hall)

  • Baking demonstration in our Show Bakery

Seitengalerie (Side Gallery)

  • Karin van Vliet - Styling corner

  • Point of sale for the “Grand Raffle” (Tombola) – every lottery ticket wins!

  • Niemetz Wheel of Fortune


  • Cake display of the ZuckerBäcker Awards: Cast your eyes on the fanciful cake creations of the participants. This year’s theme: “Jungle.”

  • Sample freshly baked bread straight from the oven of Vienna’s master bakers

Gardehalle I

  • “Süße Versuchung” - Sweet temptation: Various small treats are waiting to be tasted! The proceeds will be donated to Österreichische Kinderdörfer - a local children’s village charity.

Hofburg Gallery

  • Ball buffet

Schatzkammersaal (Treasure room)

  • Enjoy traditional Viennese delicacies in the “Heuriger” of the Viennese Butchers (from 12:00 pm to 04:00 am)

Zeremoniensaal (Ceremonial hall)

  • 11:15 pm – “Süßer Niemetz Zuckerlhimmel - Sweet Niemetz candy heaven”: Numerous delicious prizes will slowly be dropping from the ceiling of the hall. Those lucky enough to catch one can pick up a sweet treat at Niemetz’s Wheel of Fortune in the Side Gallery on 1st floor (Seitengalerie).

Cake guarantee

Your pre-ordered cake can be picked up from in the Side Hall on the ground floor (Seitenhalle) until 4:00 a.m., preferably when leaving Hofburg.

“Riesentombola” - Grand raffle - every lottery ticket wins!

This year, the ZuckerBäckerball has, once again, delightful prizes, cakes and sweets to give away. A part of the raffle proceeds will be donated to Österreichische Kinderdörfer - a local children’s village chatrity.

Points of sale

  • At the entrance to the stairs, lower plateau (ground floor)

  • At the “Platzl” (mezzanine/half floor up)

  • At Seitengalerie (Side Gallery) halfway to the ceremonial hall “Zeremoniensaal“ on first floor

Issuing of the raffle prizes

  • Passageraum

  • Gardehalle I

(both on ground floor)

Please collect your raffle prize winnings between the hours 10:00 pm and 04:00 am, preferably when leaving Hofburg. The distribution of all prizes will take place no earlier than 11:00 PM. The organizer assumes no liability for prizes that have been collected and subsequently lost.


Ticket information

Upon leaving the Hofburg your ball ticket loses validity.


Smoking is strictly prohibited in all rooms of the Hofburg - except for the outdoor area before the main entrance from Heldenplatz. We kindly ask all ball guests to adhere to this policy and to comply with the instructions of the security personnel. The smoking ban also applies to the use of e-cigarettes.

Video recording and images

By attending this event, each event guest (i.e. the ticker holder) hereby gives consent and permission that any image recordings made of them during or in connection with the event may be used by the organisers “Verein Förderung des Lebensmittelgewerbes” without any form of compensation, without temporal or spatial restriction, by means of any current or future technical process.

Here you will find the layout of the Hofburg.